Our Story

lesson learned: Trust your gut.. and your mom's advice

Hey There!

I’m Kenz, and this is my mom, Hope—the original wellness warrior! After years of dealing with bloating, fatigue, and anxiety, I’d finally had enough. I turned to my mom to help me recreate my favorite “healthy” foods that were actually harming my gut and overall health.

Ask For Mom's advice....

Together, we discovered how to make snacks that are not only healthy but packed with ingredients that support wellness. Using what I call “purposeful processes,” we’ve learned how to boost nutritional benefits and bring out the best in every ingredient.

The best part is, I was finally feeling better and it gave me the chance to take my mom’s advice!

As long-distance runners, there was one snack we both loved but knew needed a gut-friendly makeover: granola! After years of experimenting in my parents' kitchen, we created a patent-pending fermentation process and nourishing recipes to help everyone live a life where they can truly feel their best.

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